Thank you for supporting Cerebral Palsy Alliance!

In celebration of The Escape’s 30th anniversary, all funds raised from this year’s event will support critical research, services, technology and advocacy, empowering people with cerebral palsy to participate fully in society.  

30 years ago, when The Escape began, 1 in 400 Australian babies were diagnosed with cerebral palsy. With the support of generous donors like you, our research team has pioneered ground breaking developments in prevention and early intervention, reducing the severity and incidence of cerebral palsy, meaning more children are able to move independently and communicate with their loved ones. The rate of cerebral palsy now stands at 1 in 700 Australian babies. With your help, our research team will continue driving breakthroughs that deliver meaningful results to the global cerebral palsy community.  

With advancements in assistive technology, funded by supporters like you, we have made things that seemed impossible at the inauguration of The Escape, possible. Eye-gaze technology has enabled young children with cerebral palsy to communicate independently, exoskeleton suits have been developed that can assist people with CP to walk – the possibilities are endless. Your generosity enables these technologies and our advocacy initiatives, CPActive and World Cerebral Palsy Day, to be powerful drivers of inclusion and empowerment for people with cerebral palsy.   

These achievements would not have been possible without the dedication of our supporters and participants in The Escape event over the past 30 years.   

Thank you. 

If you would also like to donate a prize for the silent auction please contact Claudia Jacka

To support us, please make a donation below. 

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Could support studies into the effectiveness of medications to prevent brain injury in newborn babies, a known cause of cerebral palsy
Could assist research into the use of stem cells as a potential treatment for cerebral palsy
Could fund research into the impact of earlier diagnosis and earlier treatment for babies with cerebral palsy
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