Performance Personal Training

By Simone O'Shea Join Me

Performance Personal Training is supporting those with cerebral palsy!

Performance Personal Training are excited to make a real difference to the lives of young people and adults living with cerebral palsy!

Even if you are not currently training at Performance Personal Training, you can get involvled to help TEAM PPT to reach our fundraising goal!


Participants signing up for our 100km Rower Challenge, 3rd - 8th of July: 

Donations required to register for this event is $50 per person. 

Please remember to include your full name so that we can see who has made their donation for this event. 


Participants signing up for our Charity Total Squad class; Saturday 15th of July, 8:30-9:30am:

Jump on our website or Mindbody page, hit THE SQUAD tab and join the class. We're donating ALL proceeds from this session to the team total!

Places are limited to 30 for this event.

TEAM PPT BBQ; Saturday 15th of July, 9:30-10:30am:

Even if you are not up for the active challenge you can still help PPT to support the Cerebral Palsy Alliance and enjoy some breakfast at the same time. 

We will be collecting gold coin donations during our BBQ. 


Location for all events: 1/5 Samantha Place, Smeaton Grange, NSW


Anyone can make a donation on this page from Monday, 3rd of July - Saturday, 15th of July, please share these events with your friends and family. 


All donations over $2 are tax deductible and you will receive a tax receipt via email. 

Together we can make a difference!

Thank you to my Sponsors


Mitchell Gibbs


Michael Mcintosh


Rosa Gigliotti


Performance Personal Training

From all the amazing clients and team at PPT!


Mel Bleeks


Craig Odewahn


Jen Borg


Anthony Molluso


Sarah Ible

Such a great cause. Let's do this!!!


Carmel Foti

Hi Simone Unfortunately I have to pull out of the rower challenge but I just wanted to further donate because I think it is such a good cause!!!


Steve Cenatiempo


Nicole Eatavillo


James Wafer


Mary Elasi

Rower challenge here we go!!


Gary Howell

A great cause!


Brendan Benson


Nicole Holmes


Amber Russell


Chris Alchin


Alana Cenatiempo


Josie Cenatiempo


Maria Romeo


Vikki Reynolds


Mitchell Gibbs


Paul Robinson


Lauren And Neil Halls

I am sponsoring Lauren Halls for the rower challenge! Go Lauren!


Jason Holman


Dominic Sandrone


Kate Cohen


Ryan And Tara Ladd


Carla Cenatiempo


Gaby Varela


John & Roseanne Zaccagnini

Hi Simone this is a great cause and it's great you have taken the time to raise these funds. I (Rosie)will be competing in the rowing challenge not John.


Sharon Eaglen

? making a difference


Belind Mcallister


Carmel Foti


Kylie Campanelli

Rowing Challenge


Anna Vitug


Jennie Lill

Looking forward to completing the 100km for this great cause.


Dave Driver

A bit of pain in support of a great cause. Go Team PPT!


Caroline Jones

Looking forward to the challenge


Tiffany Cooper


Joanne Morrish

Rowing challenge


Nancy Friscic


Scott Taylor


Megan Dickinson


Sean O'shea

PPT Rower Challenge