

Buy a ticket in the Might And Power Cash Raffle

for a 1 in 700 chance of winning $20,000 in cash!

Tickets are $100 each

All funds raised from the 2024 Might And Power Race Event will go towards supporting early detection and early intervention of cerebral palsy in babies. Early detection and early intervention can be life changing for babies born with cerebral palsy and their families. Getting the right diagnosis early means babies can start appropriate interventions and supports to help them reach their best potential. 

Your support of the Might And Power Race Day and Cerebral Palsy Alliance will help us change the lives of babies born with cerebral palsy.

The winner will be drawn at 4.00pm on Saturday 21 September 2024 at the Might And Power Race Event, Royal Randwick Racecourse. 

Winner does not have to be in the room on the day.
The winner will be notified within 7 days of the draw.

Good luck!